Maybe Baby
Maybe Baby
🎧: Life, death, & internet haters, with T Wise

🎧: Life, death, & internet haters, with T Wise


You’re receiving my Tuesday podcast because you’re a paying subscriber of Maybe Baby. Thank you! To listen in your preferred app, click “Listen in podcast app.” Then it should automatically populate there every week.


This week I brought on my good friend and brilliant writer T Wise to talk about the themes in my last newsletter, #27: The pain/pleasure paradox. I met T when I was his editor at Man Repeller, and every time we published one of his essays people would comment “MORE OF THIS PLEASE!!!!” And I agree. Today we discuss everything from death to Judaism, gender, The Vow, and (dare I say it) cancel culture. Our conversation wraps around 1 hour 15 minutes, at which point I do an audio reading of the newsletter. So skip that if you already read it! In the future I may break out the audio readings, so thanks for dealing in the meantime.

Some links to things we mention:

“The Case for Not Being Born,” by Joshua Rothman
“Is Prison Necessary? Ruth Wilson Gilmore Might Change Your Mind” by Rachel Kushner
“Ordinary Things That Bring Me Extraordinary Joy” by T Wise
“I Am Finally Living My Life as a Man, Albeit a Man Named ‘Praise Josephine’” by T Wise
“Outgrowing the Personal Essay: Can I Create a Voice Bigger Than My Trans Identity?” by T Wise
How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell

Thank you for listening!

p.s. follow T on Instagram

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Maybe Baby
Maybe Baby
The Maybe Baby podcast is a mixed bag of interviews, advice, and unfiltered thoughts on the topics of culture, politics, the internet, and being alive. It's a supplement to my weekly written newsletter. New episodes every Tuesday.